
Monday, July 25, 2011

"I couldn't put it down!": Teen reviews from Summer Reading

Return to Paradise by Simone Elkeles
"Awesome book! Definite page turner. It keeps you hooked on. Read the first book to understand this one. Both books are great. :) " -- Dania S.
Party by Tom Leveen
"Great book. It keeps you interested. One of those books that you can't put down, and just keeps you wanting to read more to see what happens next. Very interesting! :)" -- Dania S.
Across the Universe by Beth Revis
"I couldn't put this one down. Mystery, dystopia, space, science fiction told by alternating male and female narrators who have lived very different lives up until they meet one day on the megaship Godspeed." -- Lindsey S.
Story of A Girl by Sara Zarr
"I loved it! Great story. It is also inspiring. Even gets you thinking about some stuff. And definitely has you hooked on. You won't want to stop reading it!" -- Dania S.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Teens share their favorite Harry Potter book and movie moments

"I like a few parts but my favorite is when Professor Quirrel screams, "Troll!!... In the dungeons. I thought you want to know," then faints. I love all moments though and have read all 7 books. J.K. Rowling is the best author ever!" -- Haley

"My favorite moment was when in the movie we got to see Fred and George's joke shop. It was really cool seeing all of their inventions and how amusing they all were. Not to mention I also loved the score that was playing during the scene. It was so giddy, which made the atmosphere complete." -- Stacy

"When Harry kisses Ginny because it is romantic." -- Oliva

"At the end of the chapter 'Horacruxes' in Half-Blood Prince, Harry thinks that even though he is marked for death, he can face it bravely, I really liked that, because Rowling wrote it very well, and I thought the choice was very wise." -- Lexi

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Hunger Games series: Reviews from Summer Reading

The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins is popular reading material this summer, for both teens and adults alike! Check out a few reviews from participants in our summer reading program:

The Hunger Games

"Even though the theme was hard to think about, it was an exciting book. I couldn't put it down." Rating: 5 out of 5
-- Martha Z.

Catching Fire

"Excellent! Once I started it, I couldn't put it down. I can't wait to read Mockingjay. I'll be impatiently waiting to read it!" Rating: 5 out of 5
-- Shannon M.

"I thought it was an okay book compared to the first. What I really liked was the twist towards the end. It sets up a really good way to get readers interested in the following book." Rating: 4 out of 5
-- Martha Z.


"Not my favorite of the trilogy, but nonetheless a great book." Rating: 4 out of 5
-- Linda S.

"Good end to the series. Lots of surprises. A book you will not be able to put down." Rating: 4 out of 5
-- Shannon M.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Teens share their favorite Harry Potter movie in the series

"My favorite movie would have to be the Half-Blood Prince, because it was really memorable to me. It was the first Harry Potter movie I've seen in theaters, so it seemed a little more magical in a weird way. Also, I watched it while I was on vacation, so now that movie reminds me of the destination." -- Stacy

"My favorite Harry Potter movies is Order of the Phoenix because of all the action in it especially at the end in the Ministry Battle." -- Ernesto

"The third [Prisoner of Azkaban] because it has hippogriffs in it and there is no Voldemort. Also they travel in time." -- Olivia

"My favorite is the third [Prisoner of Azkaban] because even though they took out a lot, it moves quickly, and really, no one cares if Harry didn't go to Florean Fortescue's." -- Lexi

Monday, July 18, 2011

Favorite characters in the Harry Potter series

At last Wednesday's Harry Potter party and viewing of Part 1 of the Deathly Hallows, teens shared their favorite characters in the series. Luna Lovegood (played by Evanna Lynch in the movies) was the most popular character; she was voted the favorite by 4 people.

If you have not read all 7 books or watched all the movies please note this SPOILER ALERT! if you do not want to know about major plot developments!

"My favorite character is Sirius Black, because I always love a good mischief maker. I loved every scene he was in, so I was pretty upset when they cut his character so much out of the fourth movie. And when he was killed off, I was practically speechless. It seems like every character I like in a book has a nasty habit of dying. Still, I've enjoyed his character until the bitter end." -- Stacy

"Luna because she is funny but she doesn't know it. Also she thinks gnargles are in mistletoe. Also when she wears shoes to bed because she sleepwalks." -- Olivia

"Luna Lovegood is my favorite character in the series because she's very intelligent. Not in the way that Hermione is, but very wise. She isn't in Ravenclaw House for nothing, you know she's very wise and confident, unaffected by what others say, but still very happy to have friends." -- Lexi

"Dobby, he is hilarious, I like how he talks in a third person point of view, and he is as cute as a button!" -- Chris

"Luna because she is funny and smart and not afraid to let people hear what she thinks and doesn't care what others say about her." -- Haley

"My favorite character is Hermione because she is smart and cool." -- Elitania

Monday, July 11, 2011

Teens recommend Graceling

Graceling by Kristin Cashore has received positive reviews from two teens participating in the summer reading program! Check out what they have to say about this book:

"I loved the world this book was set in. Katsa was such a believeable character. I hope there are many more books in this series, though, this one can stand alone." -- Lindsey S.

"Brilliant! I couldn't put it down and bought a copy after I returned it. Cashore is no slouch on imagination and it's a book that everyone will want to know how it ends the moment they read the first chapter!" -- Tiffany V.