
Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year's resolutions

Do you make New Year's resolutions? What are your resolutions for 2011? Many people kick into "healthy mode" after the holidays with resolutions to eat better or to exercise five times a week. Since everyone makes these types of resolutions, I thought about other ideas. Funny resolutions. Out-of-the-ordinary resolutions. Just plain weird resolutions. Here is a list I brainstormed for myself:
  • Make a daily attempt to insert the phrase "make haste" into normal conversation.
  • Try a new recipe (not dessert!!) at least once a month.
  • Walk backwards more often.
  • Break out Cha Cha moves instead of walking.
  • Write with my left hand 30 minutes a day so that by 2012 I will be ambidexterous.
  • Come to think of it, I should probably practice my cursive handwriting 30 minutes a day, too, since my handwriting has evolved into a printing/cursive hybrid that is quite awful.
  • Only read books told from the point of view of animals (The Art of Racing in the Rain, Animal Farm...)
  • Learn sign language.
  • Earn at least 9,000 points on all the songs featured in Wii game Just Dance.
Be a little crazy in formulating your resolutions for 2011 and share them in the Comments section!