Our summer reading program, A Midsummer Knight's Read, ended on July 30. We had 19 teen summer reading finishers, and several teens read substantially more than the required 4 books. Summer reading finishers celebrated at our End of Summer Reading Lock-In Party on Friday, August 5.
Francesca's Campagna of West Dundee donated food to the party (yum!). Teens explored the library while participating in a scavenger hunt and then had fun playing the Wii games Just Dance and Just Dance 2.
In total, teens and adults read 797 during the summer reading program!
The winner of the $100 Target gift card was Stacy E. We also had 10 weekly winners who each won $15 gift cards to Barnes & Noble. Thank you to
Francesca's Campagna in West Dundee for donating 20% off coupons and the food for our party. And thanks to all the teens who signed up for summer reading, turned in their reading slips, and wrote their own reviews of the books! Stay tuned to next summer's theme, "Reading is So Delicious."